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Invisalign Clear Aligners

If you have concerns over crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, gaps in your teeth or an open bite, Invisalign Clear Aligners might be the solution for you. Invisalign treatment consists of a series of virtually invisible custom-molded trays that are designed specifically for your mouth to comfortably and effectively straighten your teeth for a healthier and more beautiful smile.


Drs. Hubbard, Keynton Sill and Mitnick use iTero advanced technology at our Sterling dental office to scan your teeth. With Outcome Simulator technology, we can map out the movement of your teeth from your first aligner to your brand-new smile.


We will design a treatment plan for you and walk you through the steps to achieve your dream results. Depending on the complexity of your case, alignment can become evident within a few weeks with completed treatment in as little as one year.

Illustration of Clear Aligners
Invisalign Provider logo
Invisalign case with aligners inside them

An added benefit of opting for Invisalign over traditional braces is that removing trays to eat allows for fewer dietary restrictions. While undergoing treatment, you will change your trays every 7-14 days until the desired results have been achieved. Trays are designed so that changes are slight enough to ensure minimal pain when switching to a new one.


While Invisalign is an excellent treatment option to address cosmetic concerns, creating well aligned smiles in a minimally invasive way is also a valuable tool for preventative care. We can prevent many of the long term issues that may arise from the challenges of maintaining the cleanliness of crowded teeth and we can protect individual teeth from experiencing excessive and harmful forces by balancing your bite.

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